I'm finally getting around to a little recap post from my trip to San Francisco.
Better late than never though, right? I wasn't going to let it slip through the cracks since I scouted out way too many cool random spots. One of my favorite things to do is spend the whole day exploring and taking photos - so the San Fran trip was the perfect place to go for my birthday back in November.I was pretty eager to check out Aether - it's an apparel brand but I was mostly interested in the shipping container that's used as their storefront. A while back I heard about the build out of this retail store - seeing it firsthand was awesome. I love the idea and detail that went into it. One thing that stood out is that they use something that is basically a futuristic rotating dry cleaners rack set-up to store their merchandise and back stock.
On a side note, if you're into cool videos like me, then here's a link to a short vid showing the process of these shipping containers coming together as a 'brick and mortar' for Aether.
'Therapy' was another really great spot - it's a small vintage shop that sells mostly furniture, art and weird trinkets. Definitely hit up this place for little home finds.
San Fran has the most random finds in side alley ways - more than any other city that I've been to. In the past, I've come across great graffiti art and this time, a small shop called Mission Workshop. The only way I found it was because there was literally just a cool looking wooden sign pointing down an alley to call attention to their location hidden back in there. So of course I had to go take a look for myself. The shop was run out of another crate type building and sold a lot of menswear, backpacks and tech gear.
Anyway, even though I was freezing cold for the majority of the trip, it was fun bundling up in my 'winter' layers and getting some cool shots of the city and all it has to offer.