I guess I have a weird obsession with various types of Boneyards.

Not really sure why exactly - it's sort of sad that all these abandoned objects just sit in a yard. On the bright side at least they all of have a home. These random airplanes from throughout the years live in Tucson, Arizona. I've visited a pretty rad one in Vegas too that I highly recommended - it's a Neon Sign Bone Yard. There are stacks of signs from the early days in Las Vegas.

I kind of wanted to play around with the photo edits a little bit with these. I usually edit with a lot of the same photoshop actions, etc. So instead, I played around with this airy sort of mystical vibe - maybe even a bit eerie? Sort of 'end of the world' looking? Random note, I also have a very strange obsession for 'end of the world' movies.

In this little impromptu shoot, everything I'm wearing happens to be something that I made by hand. The romper is made of a rayon fabric and feels like butter. And of course the poncho is part of the new 16th Colony Fall collection that just released on the site. This one is called the Indio. It actually comes in a bunch of colors and seriously has such a soft hand to it.

Poncho - 16th Colony, Romper - random one-off that I made, Shoes - Steve Madden