November is a big month for me...

Of course, there's Thanksgiving and I always spend time back in Scottsdale with my family. My birthday rolls around in there mid-month and this year I ended up in Santa Barbara Wine Country. But also November marks a sort of sentimental anniversary - a year ago this month is when the idea of Hanger Shortage came about and the vision came to life. I was doing freelance fashion design work in Los Angeles and even though I was grateful, I also wanted more. I was designing 8 hours a day but I still came home with so much pent up creativity that needed to be let out.

I have a ton of long term goals that I want to accomplish, which I won't exactly get into right now, but the idea to meet with other creative entrepreneurial women and get inside their heads and closets sounded like the perfect start to it all. And I wanted everyone else who has an interest in these amazing influential designers and artists to see the depth of their creativity through fun personal videos. Last November I filmed the first two Hanger Shortage vids and in the midst of editing them both myself, I was simultaneously working on the Hanger Shortage branding/website and not to mention freelancing on top of it all. The schedule has been pretty hectic - I've got about 5 hours of sleep a night for the past year.

Looking back now, this has actually been the fastest year of my life, which is strange considering I was literally awake for most of it - you'd think that if you slept through it all, that's when it would go by quicker. But I actually don't mind that I didn't get my beauty rest - when you want something so bad and want to see your ideas come to life exactly how you've envisioned it, you need to be willing to put in the time - it's beyond rewarding.

I've had the opportunity to meet so many awesome people this year and I'm so thankful because they're what inspire me when it's 4am and I'm grumpy at my computer trying to do a million things at once. Thanks to everyone who takes a second to skim the blog and watch the vids. There's a lot coming up and I'm really excited to share it all.