During one of my trips to Vegas for PROJECT, I stumbled across the Black Sheep booth (now known as Black Swan).
To be honest, I didn't see a ton of collections that season that caught my attention the way Black Sheep did. After doing some stalking I discovered that Rachel Anne Rainwater was the talent behind it all.
Fashion basically runs through her veins and it's been a part of her since she was growing up. Rachel Anne has such great creativity and her designs truly reflect her personality. It's really no surprise that Black Sheep snatched her straight out of FIDM before she had even graduated.
It was really cool to sit down and chat with her about her vision for the line - I love that she has so much excitement and passion for what she does. I totally understand how she feels when she says that each piece that she designs is very personal to her.
A ton has happened recently for Rachel Anne and Black Sheep - and the talent that she possesses is quickly being recognized throughout the industry. Not only are her designs being featured in several fashion magazines, but also when I re-visited the Black Sheep booth at PROJECT, their space was literally jam packed with buyers and members of the press. I can't wait to see where she goes from here.
"I don't even design for myself half the time, it's like this artistic thing that I love doing and I kind of have another person in mind. I love when people love it - it's my favorite part."
"Whenever I see something I think 'Where was I when I drew that?' and that's the part that trips me out the most."